Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why are office romances such a bad Idea?!

Okay folks this being my last entry I'm gonna try and make this short and sweet ! :)

The American T.V soap "Greys Anatomy" is a classic example of office romance. It throws light on the 'managing organization communication' aspect of organization structures and also demonstrates the role "office romance" in day to day lives.

For a lot of people, dating in the workplace is a very important topic, indeed. While the logic is obvious -- people often spend more time at work than just about anywhere else, so where better to find a potential mate than in a professional setting? -- the dangers and risks are quite high too.

There's danger lurking in office romances, genuine risks to your career and credibility, along with your mental health.
The greatest problem with office dating is that it's impossible to avoid the power aspect of your relationship. If you ask someone who is a subordinate to go out on a date and you've crossed the line, you've compromised your professionalism and put them into an extremely difficult situation.

Do they say yes because you're higher ranked (or, worse, their boss)? Do they say no and then fear for their job and/or evaluations thereafter? Do they say yes, then drop you after a date or two, hoping that you'll subsequently be able to differentiate between pleasant social interaction and sexual harassment at work?

And what about the opposite? If they're higher ranked than you, aren't you putting yourself in an inferior position by asking them to go out on a date? That's not the basis of a long-term successful relationship for most people nowadays.

The trite cliché of the boss and his secretary (rarely the boss and her secretary) is problematic for exactly this reason: is the secretary saying yes because she fears for her long term employment prospects or because she thinks the boss is wonderful?

Then there's the all-important question of what happens when the relationship ends?

It's a bit much to expect that your co-worker, boss, or employee can keep their feelings out of the office, and it won't take long for the rest of the group to push both parties out or raise a red flag to top-level management, or even just leave, en masse, in disgust.

If the company is a family metaphor, an organizatonal romance is incest! Most organizations do not encourage the idea of "office romance" since it can disrupt work, cause perceptions that one of the partners is being given unfair advantages and affect the credibility of the organization in the eys of the clients. Office romances are in a sense no longer dyadic relationships, they can affect the attitudes and behaviours of all co workers.

Your mileage will vary. In fact, I'm sure this is a pretty controversial subject, so what's your opinion and take on office romance? Do you think organizations should encourage it or otherwise?

Share your views!


  1. Some good and insightful views especially from a teenager.

    Good work.

  2. Cynera, Wow ! Good work :) I am so very surprised to see you so updated with everything happening around at this age. Real hard work. I can see a bright future awaiting you darling! Good Luck !!!

  3. love is a very natural phenomena and nothing can come in its way..not office or religion if its could be an advantage or a disadvantage for the company depending on the mindset of the lovers involved..

  4. Love is definitely unintentional and it can happen newer at i guess the topic has been elaborated really well...if love has to take place it will take place let be anywhere around..Good one CC!!!!

  5. Hmm this is a very good and sensible article! I believe Office Romance should not be reinforced or encourage in workplaces because of its consequences that follows.

    Office romances have major drawbacks. For example, no matter how well the relationship is going, the situation itself is a recipe for disaster. The fact that couples are in constant contact with one another day and night may cause friction within the relationship. Everyone needs "alone time" to pursue hobbies or hang out with friends, and the lack thereof may cause relationships to self-destruct.

    They may interfere with individuals' abilities to perform their professional duties. Imagine telling your girlfriend that she's fired? There is obvious potential for conflicts of interest between office situations and relationships.

    Jealousy is another negative issue. Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret, other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa. People will not have trust and work spirit in sense that individuals do not have respect to the bosses. Office Romances also create Multi-extra marital relationships. This can also increase workplace violence and conflicts!

    Good article overall! Well done.


  6. Office romance is fairly common these days as the office is where we spend so much of our time. Handled well it can lead to a relationship. Handled badly it can lead to a lawsuit for harassment.

    It is not surprising that romance springs up at the office. We spend a third or more of our lives in the office or other places of work.

    In most cases, mutually-agreeable relationships between employees pose no danger to the company. However, there are instances where they are inappropriate and may be harmful to the company and its interest. For instance, it is never a good idea for a manager to be romantically involved with a subordinate in their own organization. Situations such as this should be clearly spelled out in the company policy as inappropriate and subject to corrective action.

    I personally do not think that office romance is such a good idea for one major reason being, what happens when it ends?
    In many cases, the employees will handle it like adults and move on with their respective lives. In other cases, the resulting unpleasantness may require transferring one or both employees to new roles.

    I support the fact that organizations do not encourage office romance in their workplace, they should try and prevent this from developing for the better of their company.

  7. hmm i guess it should be allowedd coz u know love is eveywer......
    hahaha.. office romance should be allowed ..
    enrichss d environment :)
    love is ibn d air

  8. I personally don't believe that "office romance" is such a good idea. If I were part of the management, I would certainly not encourage it. But what can one do when it does occur other than giving a friendly but firm advice?? Yes, the management can indeed take action and stop the romance from developing among the employees involved. But then there's the moral issue of "is it really their place to decide whether a romance should or should not blossom??"

    The ideal scenario is of course when everyone within the organization accepts the romance and I believe this is possible. However, this is unlikely. Even if there seems to be acceptance on the surface, surely the perception by other employees on the employees involved in the romance changes. For example, compromised professionalism of the superior as the author mentioned. With that said, I stand by my belief that office romance should not be encouraged in the workplace. And if it must happen, there's always a thing called a resignation letter.

  9. Bravo Bravo. Another master-piece and that too from a teenager. :D Well cinu, you rock. Thats very much high level thinking and all the credits go to you for this wonderfully crafted essay. :) xox.
    My own views are that love in an organization is well seen by people. I mean, it affects productivity and in a sense proves to be disadvantageous to both of them. Hats off to you missie mwah.

  10. hey cynera very good work....congrats...
    hmm about love..i can say that , love happen anywer, anytime, than nothing can come in its way, reigion , nor office..but i feel, love happens only once, rest is life...thanks. good job.

  11. Two thumbs up for your article!!!!!!

    This is a very controversial topic for me because I have always fancied about office romance.Haha....I know it's funny.

    Love never knocks at one's doorstep but just happens.Coming to the work organisation, office romance is very common these days ,as many people find their soul mates in the enterprises with whom they interact often and spend most of their time.I think there is no harm in office romance as long as the personal life and professional life are kept apart from each other.

    As a coin has two sides, office romance also has its disadvantages.In some cases, people are deceived in the name of love and are exploited or sexually harassed.Secondly, due to office politics, people might be isolated or envied if he/she is dating the boss.Finally, the productivity level may come down due to distractions.

    Hence after analysing all the points,I feel that office romace is not that a bad idea if people know where to draw the line and balance their professional and personal lives.

  12. It is always better to keep official and personal relationship separate. Not necessary because of senior/junior relationship, it could be between two equals too but then it always spoils the working environment. when the romance is on, office time is wasted on doing things together like either going for coffee, talking on phone for hours or for lunches. when the romance is off, people are wasting their time analysing for the breakups, main topics at lunchroom or during coffee breaks. Hence office romance is a nonono

  13. I beg to differ…I think office romances are a great idea if the couple is mature enough.. We spend most of our waking hours at work & who better than the love of your life to share them with…? …As with everything in life there are positive and negative aspects… As long as you know where your priorities lie and how to handle your emotions in public, you will find it a joy to work with your spouse/partner/fiancĂ©/girlfriend

  14. Wow I'm over whelmed by the response! Haha THANKS SO MUCH PEOPLE! I APPRECIATE IT!
    its really nice to see how each one has different views and takes on this subject! :))
