Saturday, February 14, 2009

♥A Vals Day Special♥

The recent news about Prince Harry's break up with his girlfriend Chelsy Davy made me deliberate on what I learnt in class this week i.e. Interpersonal communication.

PEOPLE reports in its upcoming issue on Wednesday January 28, 2009

After five years of dating, what caused Prince Harry and girlfriend Chelsy Davy to finally call it quits last week?
Those close to the prince believe time and distance may have pulled the 24-year-old royal and the Zimbabwean-born beauty apart, PEOPLE reports in its upcoming issue, on sale Friday.
Chelsy, 23, is set to graduate from Leeds University this spring and is homesick for Africa, while Harry seems more committed than ever to army life.

For more information, click on the site below :),,20255395,00.html

While reading this article what intrigued me the most was the fact that the two of them were disimilar in many ways. I wondered if different backgrounds was one of the reasons behind the split. Chelsy Davy is Zimbabwean-born and a student where as Harry is royalty,the Prince of England. They both come from very different cultures. I couldn’t help but wonder if they were from the same backgrounds, would they have had better chances of sailing through this relationship?

How many of you think that couples who have many similarities with respect to nationality, profession, likings tend to stay together longer than couples that are dissimilar in the same context as mentioned above?

I am of the opinion that couples who are similar and have things in common tend to bond well for a longer time as opposed to the couples that are dissimilar.

Examples :

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes both work in the film industry.

Zac Efferon and Vanessa Hudgens, worked in the biggest teen sensation 'High School Musical' together.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Hollywood's sexiest couple!

Andre Agassi and Stefi Graph are among the tennis players in the world.

I believe that couples who share common interests better yet a common profession have better understanding and are more sympathetic towards each other. This reduces insecurity and instability in a relationship. It is especially helpful as they can discuss professional problems together and seek each others advise.This strengthens a relationship and takes it to greater heights!

However, as we all know it is not only common interests that help in making a relationship work. Other factors such as trust, patience, personal perceptive, right speech etc play a vital role.

On the other hand couples like :

Eva Longoria, an actress and Tony Parker , a basketball player.

David Beckham, regarded as the worlds best soccer player and Victoria Beckham, a pop star.

Imraan Khan, a Pakistani cricketer and Jemima, known for her royalty.

Paris Hilton, a famous socialite and Benji Madden, a rock star!

are among the rest who share a difference in terms of either profession or culture.


Do couples who have many similarities with respect to nationality, profession, likings tend to stay together longer than couples that are dissimilar in the same context as mentioned above?

I'm looking forward to your comments!

last but not the least, "Happy Valentines Day" to one and all! :)


  1. First of all, Congrats for such a beautifully narrated and well balanced article. Personally, i feel that couples are made in heaven. People may think that its an outdated belief but its kinda true. But in this world of quick money, people dont think twice before dumping their partners. Its sad but thats the glittering world of business and money.
    Hats off again Cinu. Im becoming your fan day by day sissy. Love ya :)

  2. I must say,a very interesting topic to debate on.

    I personally believe in the saying 'Opposites Attract'.If the individuals are dissimilar in nature then they complement each other.Another advantage is that they handle critical situations pretty well.Furthermore one can explore a lot about the other in the long run.But having said that I think that being in a relationship is like a gamble.So you never know what might happen.

    I never had such detailed information about the couples unless I read your article.Good going!

  3. "Stars are Blind" u have celebs gettin together jst coz of the fame, money and so on..its really sad to see people slpit in just a matter of 2-3 mnths. In today's world u see ppl changing their partners like being in a relationship is more of companionhip buliding and repecting each other mutually
    Beiing in relationship for 2 mnths or 2 me its one of the greatest feeling u will have...
    I guess words are falling short now to describe ur sensiblity in topics of such a kind...So transparent and depics a lot reality in many of OUR lives..
    Good Job CC...Keep it up once again!!!!!

  4. Srutakirti- Well yeah you do have a point. I guess there are pros and cons to pretty much everything!

    But when you say this,
    "Another advantage is that they handle critical situations pretty well."
    don't you think couples who have similarities illustrate this better?
    For example if a person is in a crisis, his or her partner (who is similar) would have more knowledge of how to go about and tackle the problem since he or she might have experienced it at a certain point.

    don't you think?

  5. Much thanks to Ashish and Clayton! :))
    Yep, agree with you guys. Its great being in a relationship! However now days with the media influence and such other factors it has become more of a trade of time.. Its sad to see people ending their relationships as soon as their 'purpose is served'!

  6. Cynera, you have come up with a valid question but I have an answer for it.:D

    I think when the partners are similar, they don't really complement each other. For example, in a relationship, if both the partners are short tempered and face a problem, they wouldn't be able to come up with an effective solution as both have the same views and approach. On the contrary, if the short tempered person would have been paired with a patient person, they would complement each others flaws ,and at the same time be able to deal with situation more effectively.

    This is quite funny but even Physics points out,Like poles repel and Opposite poles attract. But there are exceptions in everything.:))

  7. HAHA yeah your right in a way!
    I guess it depends from couple to couple and yes, there are exceptions!

    thanks for sharing your views!
    I appreciate it!


  8. well.. it actually it doesnt matter how different you are with your partner. what matter most is TOLERATION. Each person is unique. No matter how similar you are with your partner, there ought to be some differences. therefore, it is really crucial to tolerate each other differences to build up healthy relationship.

  9. I am neutral in this case because i believe that its all a matter of understanding each other's likes and dislikes. It is not necessary for couples to be from a similar background to have a healthy and a long lasting relationship.
    On the other hand I believe that couples having similar interests, nationality and profession may tend to live longer because they are already aware of their partner's culture, interests and likings.
    In the end i would like to say that every relationship has complications but by understanding each other,every couple can have a healthy relationship.

  10. fs29- I think there are alot of factors that go into making a relationship a long lasting and fruitful one. Such as trust, understanding , like you mentioned toleration etc.. all these together form a foundation to a well structured relationship. I don't think that it is toleration alone or in particular that makes a relationship work..there are different aspects and being similar or dissimilar contribute alot to the success of this relationship.

  11. Sahiba- Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! :))

  12. Similarities and differences can disconnect relationships so it is more of undertaking responsibilities, accepting distinction and resemblance which strengthen interpersonal bonds.

  13. hey pretty babe dis topic is too awesome. i racked it out to pen down my thoughts lol :)
    D sayin is very true opp sex attracts each other . Attraction onii remains till here. den it comes to toleratin each other understandin each oter , passin time n in d end livin wid each other. They 1stly need to know each other very well likes dislikes everythin small thing . den onii dey can work out things well 2gether. And if der is immense love one has to put thier foot down to d other as per d situation . So even people comin from diff background can make it and live happily . as cinu uve shown der r many eg ... There are possiblities of split up happenin but one cannot help it as its d pas n parcel of life. One has to deal wid it :)

  14. I believe that opposites really do attract in reality, even though the relationship might somewhat be argumentative, to say the least =p, so a degree of patience and understanding is essential in these cases ! Happy couples in the long-run are not photocopies of each other, because differences between partners make the marriage interesting !

    Well done Cynera =)

  15. I agree with you! Couples who are similar tend to stick together for a longer time simply because they can understand each other better and help each other out. People who are dissimilar often find it difficult to make a conversation as there are not to many topics that they can converse on. I guess same in the case of couples! I do however believe that it is not just these factors like being similar/ dissimilar that count in a successful relationship. It's more like being together through thick and thin, always supporting each other, being tolerance, understanding and patience etc! they together sum up what we call as a SUCCESSFUL relationship that we all ever so often dream of having! Good work Cynera! I love your articles! hehe very apt and up to date! Keep up the good work young lady!

  16. Awesome! I'm very pleased with this post! I have equal comments supporting both sides! :D thank you people so much for sharing your views!!

