Saturday, February 7, 2009

‘When you say nothing at all....’

Scene from Twilight.

The picture above illustrates 'Eye contact' between two individuals.

Do you think non- verbal communication weighs the same as verbal communication in terms of getting the message across?

“Communication that occurs when a stimulus other than words creates meaning in the mind of the communicator.”

Although non- verbal communication has its own demerits; for instance it could have several interpretations as it is receiver- oriented, I think non- verbal communication is significant, reason being it allows us to express certain emotional themes that are hard to describe verbally.

Here is a scene from an American T.V show, Gossip Girl.

When I came across this scene, I was quite intrigued by it simply because of the fact that I could relate it to what I studied in COMS 101. This is a perfect example that illustrates non- verbal communication. The boy in the video (Chuck) is communicating, he is intentionally creating a message for the girl (Blair’s) consumption.

The scene depicts different types of non-verbal communications like in the first half of the clip; Blair observes the physical appearance of Chuck i.e. the tears in his eyes, the tired and dejected look across his face. It is then that she realizes that he is in pain and hence rushes to support him. This establishes the association with hap tics, the non-verbal communication study of touch. Here, it gives the viewers an idea of their relationship, the intimacy, friendship, perception of liking. The scene also insinuates proxemics, the non-verbal communication study of space and distance. The manner in which Chuck and Blair are seated highlights intimate distance among the four zones of personal space.

The latter half of the video shows Blair left all alone with the note aside her being her only explanation to the situation she is in. Emotional expressions are easier to express using non-verbal codes. When people have something emotionally important to say, they need full range of non-verbal channels. In this scenario, Chuck avoids an emotional scene by writing a letter rather than announcing it face-to-face.

It is merely a look, awareness, an understanding, a way to get what you want without having to use words. It is more useful in situations where one is unable to express in words what they feel or in the case of informing the death of a person to his or her family relative, non-verbal ques are best suited. Speech is not entirely an adequate substitute for human contact.

Sometimes when it is not possible to express certain things into words, we turn to non- verbal communication.

Here are a few non verbal cues that are used conventionally.

The ‘shh’ sign which indicates ‘silence’ .

Joining ones hands together also known as ‘namaste’ which implies to ‘greetings’ in the Indian culture.

The last picture illustrates a girl who is not very pleased, in cases like these verbal communication is voluntary.



  1. Such a master piece as usual missie writer :). Hats off to you again. Indeed non verbal communication is essential in cases where emotions are involved and lacking words enough to describe them.
    Cinu you're getting better day by the day. Keep it up sissy :) <3 <3

  2. “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives” great job..and very descriptive..keep it up CC..:D

  3. Good Explicit way of expressing communication, though the example of clipping was good, it would be more apt. to give examples of something that is universally know AKA something which is commonly know to people...Overall Good English....Keep it going are improving by the day...Carl

  4. Thanks people! :))

    Carl- Well the show is a very popular T.V show in America and around the world. But I'll keep what you said in mind! :))
    Thanks for the advise.


  5. well.. non verbal communication covers 80% of total communication. It might be surprising that we do not realized how many times we used non verbal communication to communicate. btw, did anyone try to count how many non-verbal communication we did in a day. I bet is over a hundred.

  6. yes that's right! May be even more, every facial expression or hand gesture or intentional non verbal messages add up to the number of times we communicate non verbally in our day to day life!

  7. Its significance undermined. Its prevalence unnoticed. When it materializes, it supersedes the power of the word. Such is the potency of non verbal articulation.

  8. wow its awesome wat all u have made .. supa kool
    m lovin it :)

  9. I think that Non-verbal communication is very important, especially in intercultural situations.

    As they say, “Actions speak louder than words”.

    A round of applause for Cynera ... and that's non-verbal for YOUR ARTICLES ARE D BEST ;-)

  10. WOW what a well written article! I must say I'm impressed. The video is apt for the title, and the pictures speak out for themselves. Non verbal cues help a lot in our day to day lives in finding solutions and solving problems. Like you very clearly quoted "Sometimes when it is not possible to express certain things into words, we turn to non- verbal communication." This helps us communicate messages that are hard to express vocally across to the opposite person by mere face expressions and hand gestures without having to go through harsh terms! For example, many teenagers intact not only teenagers even adults when they have something harsh to say they often resort to other mediums like banging stuff or making a huge commotion.. teens like you and me often use are middle finger to denote the not very good word "F**K off" !
    Non verbal communication is no doubt very very helpful!!!

  11. Non-verbal communication is really helpful in transmitting messages. =) We use it so often that we don't even notice it. It's impressive how everybody does it so unknowingly. Heh.

  12. AWWW guys thanks for all the comments! your'll made my day! (and grade!) HAHA :D

