Friday, February 20, 2009

Groups superior to individuals?

What a performance.. ! :D

Paul McCartney and Dave Grohl for the 51st Grammy awards, February 8th 2009.

I was delighted to watch Paul McCartney’s performance for the Grammy s. His music meets my “favorite music” list, needless to say I’m a great fan of his!

For this weeks entry, I’m really glad that I can include one of the most influential and successful singer, songwriter in rock and roll history, in my blog.

While watching his performance, I thought about how he came to be known worldwide. This takes me back to when he was a member of ‘THE BEATLES’

The Beatles were a rock and pop band from Liverpool,England that formed in 1960. During their career, the group primarily consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney(bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals).Their clothes, style and statements made them trend-setters, while their growing social awareness saw their influence extend into the social and cultural revolutions of the 1960s.

The Beatles are one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music, selling over one billion records internationally.

In February of After the band broke up in 1970, all four members embarked upon successful solo careers.

Paul McCartney however continues to shine even today. He received two nominations for the 51st annual Grammy awards, and performed the Beatles classic "I Saw her standing there" with Dave Grohl on drums. Sirius XM launched a limited run channel devoted exclusively to the music of Paul McCartney. Entitled Firman Radio, an homage to McCartney's alter ego, the program will premiere on February 14, 2009, and run until March 13, 2009.

I thought I could relate this to what I learn t in my COMS 101 class this week. I believe 'The Beatles' are a great example of group communication. They illustrate the factors that are found in effective team members; the ability to create a positive climate, the ability to solve problems, group synergy, group think etc.
However after they split, all four members had successful solo careers.

What makes me wonder is that would Paul McCartney become as successful as he is now, if he wasn't a part of that group?
I personally think that we are who we are because of the groups we have been a part of. Beyonce, who was a part of her home production "Destiny's child" and Simon Webber from the boy band "Blue" to name a few have had successful solo careers even after they spilt from their groups. However I don't think they would be as successful as they are today if not for the groups they belonged too.

This brings me to my question; do you think groups are more effective than individuals?
Although there is evidence that mature, cooperative groups or otherwise make better decisions than do individuals working alone, groups are not always superior to individuals. Group synergy occurs only under certain conditions and when the group structure is such that each member is encouraged to do his or her best. Justin Timberlake was a member of the boy band "N sync". After he split from the group and 'went solo' , he began achieving more success for himself than that from the boy band.

This week's question: Do you think we are who we are because of the groups we have been a part of? Also are groups more effective than individuals or vice-a-versa?

Share your views! :)))


  1. Mama mia, Hats off to you. What a complete and extremely delightful article. I so love it :) Its so true. People try to forge their identity while being in a group like for instance, the Beatles or Metallica. On their own, there are chances that people may be successful but i personally believe that group work and team spirit is above all other things :)

  2. well, there are a lot of exceptions exist in the real world. I do not agree that groups are more effective than individual. In many cases, miscommunication almost always happen in groups. However, it is also could be the case that groups appear to be stronger and more effective when members in groups could tolerate and work as a team. therefore, it is always depend on the situations.

  3. Ashish- HAHA thanks alot! its nice to see that you like my work :P and also that you agree with me on this topic! :)))
    thanks for sharing your views!

  4. fs29- Hmm well yeah you do have a point there! thanks for sharing your views again!

  5. My answer to your question would be, it is subjective. Right as you have mentioned Justin Timberlake who was the face of N’Sync which means, he has a higher success rate than other group members. There are also instances where the support of other members is essential. In the case of PCD, Nicole Scherzinger struggled without her group members, selling and earning less than what she has achieved with PCD. Therefore, I believe that effectiveness is subjective and differs from case to case.

  6. Hmmmm true !
    Yes well I guess it depends from case to case !
    Thanks for the comment !
    much appreciated. :D

  7. Yes, I do believe that we ARE what we are because of the groups we have been apart off! I strongly believe that life itself is a learning process. We constantly have to learn about new things and possibilities that go into a life filled with enrichment, success and one that is worth living for.

    By being a part of these groups we imbibe values and gain experience that make us better individuals or maybe worse. hehe !!

    Moving on to your second question which is
    "Are groups more effective than individuals or vice-a-versa?"
    I think it is all subjective! It depends on individual to individual like you mentioned cases of Justin Timberlake and Beyonce but Simon Webber on the other hand is not as successful as the boyband, BLUE he was a member of.. even Nicole from
    PCD like some one mentioned above here didn't manage to extract so much success as compared to that of her group! So yeah I guess it depends on different individuals whether they manage to make their mark or not! :))

    Good article! very well presented

  8. Well looking closely. Group have more to communicate than an individual. You seen many music bands are very famous and successful and when they split up and try their hand in a solo career some fail while some prevail...But when they perform as a group they help each and it also displays different attributes of each member in the group and its a combination of talents.and it sends across a louder message than just by and individual. So a good topic to debate on..and undoubtedly a crafted article by Cynera..well done keep it up!!!!!!

  9. Whethere groups are more effective than individuals or the vice versa is a miliion dollar question.......Very tough to answer!

    I think it really depends on the task one performs.With group work there is less pressure and more inputs from the team members,hence it is more effective than individuals.But at the same time there might be conflicts due to different opinions or views.

    From my personal experience,group work is a lot better when tasks are complicated..... I used do prefer working individually over group work but now my views have changed...

    a well written article.....You have cited good examples to complement the issue raised.

  10. Thank you for sharing your opinions!!!! =D

